Standing on the edge


Standing on the edge

The sound of my clothes

like rustling leaves

the wind so strong

blowing through my hair

moving the sea

the smell of salt

in the air

a sense of freedom

As I walk down

the hill

the coastline

as I get closer,

the moment I reach

the edge,

the moment I reach

land's end

I burst into tears:

The beauty of nature

I am here

where the land ends

and I see islands far away

and I am free

One more step

I think

and I fall

I fall down

into the sea

but I am not scared

and I do not feel cold

and I do not feel small or empty

despite all the views that are surrounding me

the rocky coastline

the impressive stone formations

the endless troubled sea

leaning towards a grey, cloudy sky

I feel strong

As if nature is giving me her present

of knowing who I am

of suddenly understanding

that standing on the edge

does not mean all things to end

but to see new beginnings

emerging from the mist.


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